Friday, 29 September 2017

Adventures in Learning!

Adventures in Learning!

In Science this week we were looking at changes in humans over time.  We started by carefully observing facial features. 

Then we looked at some baby photos of celebrities and tried to match them with their photos as grown ups. Can you see anyone you know? 

During Guided Reading Activities this week we looked for tricky words and captions. 

We investigated numbers from 1, all the way to 100!

Off on our adventures around the local area. We looked for landmarks, spotted locations on our maps and some of us put postcards in the postbox. 

Phew! Another action-packed week in Year 1... Have a relaxing weekend! 

Friday, 22 September 2017

Practising our skills this week!

This week we have been practising our skills with numbers, labelling, team building, computing and reading.

 Every item in the classroom that was stationary has been labelled by our excellent writers. 

During our Class Reading session, we read a story about planning a fancy birthday party where the guests asked for different types of cake. 

That got us thinking about our favourite flavours. Can you work out the most popular cake in 1P?

This week we won 28 marbles for our Discovery Time. Each week we have the chance to work together to win marbles for the class jar every time we follow our Year 1 Rules. 

Our focus today was all about working together as a team and taking turns. 
We created some great designs and had lots of fun. 

It was time to cut the grass. We planted the grass seeds in our first week of school and couldn't believe how quickly it has grown! I

There were many eager volunteers on hand. Who will get to cut the grass next week? 

We used Tux Paint to type our captions which explained the drawings of our houses. 

We have worked hard this week: counting on, learning the numerals, words and comparing different numbers. Time for a rest now. 

Have a great weekend!

Friday, 15 September 2017

Learning in Year 1

Week 2 
Autumn Walks and Science Talks

What did we discover? 

Animals Including Humans
We talked about the importance of our skeletons and the organs inside them. 

Which organs can you spot? Did we put them in the right place? 

We started Guided Reading this week and have worked well together in our groups. 

Saturday, 9 September 2017

Welcome to Class 1P

Welcome to Class 1P's Blog 2017-2018

This week we have settled in well and have enjoyed getting to know each other.

We're looking forward to an exciting year ahead!

"Say Cheese!"

Over the summer our homework task was to make 'Chatterboxes'.

Can you spot our favourite things?

We've been busy in the classroom...